Niko is a chunky, stumpy, bouncy bobtail wolf. She has a bright blue tongue that sticks out all the time, with huge eyes matching in color. Niko first lived in the human world, where she lost her tail. Snuffles had found her and took her to the animal realm where she lives happily.
Snuffles is a snragon, or a snow leopard dragon. She has the ability to open portals to the human world and can also change into a regular snow leopard when in the human world. Snuffles' favorite color is yellow, and she has a fondness for dancing
Fox is a green fox who enjoys crafts, drawing, and video games. She loves playing games, including one called Princess with Angel and Sushi. Fox's favorite color is green, despite the fact that her collar color is different.
Angel is a small arctic fox whose favorite color is light blue. She likes to play basketball and some other sports with Fox. Angel's favorite food is plain waffles.
Sushi is a long-limbed cat who lives in a pretty, whimsical area with her friends Fox and Angel. She has a light grey pelt and alwaus wears dark turquoise velvet collar, which she stole from a human pet shop while visiting her mom. Sushi is swift and a quick thinker. Because of this, it's not easy to try to get away with something around her.
Bisquit is a French fox. She was born in France, but didn't see much there and moved to the animal world, where her fur changed color. She now works to sell earrings, bracelets, and other jewelry.
Speck is a wolf, like her sister, Fizpop, except she has wings like her father. While guilty that she makes Fizpop jealous with her wings, Speck is still fun to be around. She loves to joke around and paint. She has gained several scars from a fight with Fizpop when she offered to fly her to the store. Speck likes sharp, hard music, and her favorite color is grey.
Fizpop is the complete opposite of Speck, her sister. Though they have similar colors, their personalities are very different. Unlike Speck, Fizpop enjoys solitude and is very oppinionated. She is more likely to start a fight when standing up for what she believes. Sometimes, she can get jealous of Speck.
Kit is a dusty brown greyhound that Snuffles rescued from a greyhound racing facility, along with others who didn't stay. Kit's favorite color is orange and she loves to watch movies with Bisquit.
Kris is a fox from the human world. She found her way to the animal realm by falling off of a cliff into an unclosed portal. She still hasn't been able to convince Snuffles to bring her back, so she's a snappy, judgemental child.
Pip, Niko's best friend, is quite a bully. He's a floppy-eared husky. Of course, a husky—the most popular and loved wonder he has a gold crown. This blue lil puppito lives in a large home in a beautiful field. His favorite color is green, and his favorite deed is to stick his tongue out at peasants. Somehow, Pip became friends with Speck and now gets to hang round with Speck's friends, or his...enemies.